
Submit an Article

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Cover Letter (doc, docx, pdf)10
Article (doc, docx)10
Submission of the OrgSyn Template that includes
all ChemDraw® graphics and photographs is preferred.
NMR Spectra (pdf)10
The Submission of a single pdf file that includes
all NMR spectra is preferred
Procedure Checklist (pdf)10
Characterization Checklist (pdf)10
Graphics (cdx,cdxml)10
Submission of separate graphics files for each Scheme,
Figure, or Table is required.
Photos for Procedure (jpg, png)10
In addition to submission of photos embedded within the article,
submission of separate photograph files is required
Photos of Authors (jpg, png)10
In addition to submission of photos embedded at the end of the article,
submission of separate photograph files is required
10 - each box accepts up to 10 files